Paper Submission
If your abstract has been accepted and you have completed your conference registration, you are welcome to present your paper and will be allocated a time slot for presentation.
Once the abstract/paper has been accepted, at least one of the authors must register for the Conference. No presentation time slot will be allocated until author registration is completed. The conference expects that the presentation time for each paper be 20 minutes, including a question-and-answer session of 5 minutes. The actual presentation may slightly differ. Please follow the instruction of the chair of your presentation session.
Full paper submission is optional. Full papers submitted to the conference will automatically enter the competitions for the Best Paper Award and Excellent Paper Award of the Conference. Full papers submitted by the deadlines will also be included in the electronic Conference Proceedings with an ISBN (978-988-77932-1-2 for 2018). Selected high-impact full papers will also be considered for publication in Asian Journal of Linguistics Studies. Paper selection will be carried out by a panel of independent international scholars.
For students with full papers participating in the Conference, there will be a Best Student Paper Award*.
You are encouraged to submit the full paper by the given deadlines; otherwise, it will not be included in the electronic Conference Proceedings. All abstracts and papers should be submitted to the Easychair system. The length of full paper should be 6 to 12 pages.
*Only full-time students are eligible for the competition of the Best Student Paper Award.
Abstracts and papers should be written in English. All submissions must comply with the formatting instructions. Submissions that fail to do so will not be reviewed.